Tuesday, 1 March 2011

Getting started....

I've been shopping!!! Bought some lovely seeds today.... erm, let's see if I can remember.... onion, runner beans, peas, broccoli, carrot, lettuce.... oh and of course some seed potatoes! Got a few chitting(?!?) on the window ledge. Is that the right term? I've been reading some bits and pieces and I think that's what they're doing!

The new cover arrived for my walk-in greenhouse thingy that's not quite a greenhouse - just plastic, no glass. Cleaned up all my plant pots and things and then shovelled out all the compost from my compost bin (finally, it's compost!!!) into bags - with a bit (ok, a lot!) of help from my OH.

I was quite excited and wanted to plant something but most of the packets say to wait till April or sow directly into the ground which I can't do until my allotment's sorted.... But the onion packet said March and it is the 1st of March today so I planted a few seeds into little pots and left them in the greenhouse. Oh, yes, with a couple of pepper plant seedlings I bought - I grew some from scratch last year but they took so long to grow that I never ended up with any peppers so I thought I'd give myself a headstart this yearand buy some seedlings!

Going to the library on Friday so I'm going to get myself some books out and become an expert(?!?) over the weekend :-)

I'll take some piccies soon.....

Love 'n' hugs,


  1. Patience Mel, it'll all be worth it in the end lol. I get emails regularly with tips on what you should be doing at that specific time of year. I'll try to send the link. If it works and is of use to you I'll forward them on.

    Happy composting, Angie xx

  2. That's brilliant! Thanks, Angie :-) xx
